Welcome to Clue

At Clue, our vision is to bring transparency to the real estate market. We are committed to simplifying the process of accessing legal documents, which can often be a complex and daunting task. By providing straightforward access to public registered documents available on government websites, we aim to demystify the legalities of real estate transactions.

Our services are tailored to not only offer easy access to these essential documents but also to provide detailed title reports and accurate property valuation reports. This approach ensures that our clients have all the necessary information for making informed decisions in the real estate domain.

Join us in our mission at Clue, where we strive to create a transparent, informed, and user-friendly real estate environment. Our dedication to clarity and ease of access is at the forefront of everything we do, empowering you in your real estate journey.

Our Products

Registered Documents

₹ 200 only

Access a comprehensive collection of public registered documents from government sources. These documents provide crucial legal information about properties, serving as an essential resource for understanding real estate transactions

Title Report

Coming Soon

Our Title Report offers an in-depth review of a property's legal status, including ownership history, liens, and any encumbrances. This report is vital for ensuring a clear and undisputed property title.

Valuation Report

Coming Soon

The Valuation Report provides an accurate assessment of a property's market value. Based on detailed analysis and current market trends, this report is indispensable for buyers, sellers, and investors in making informed real estate decisions.






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